Your Stress-Q

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Watching sports can be more stressful than work

Your answer was Incorrect. It is True that watching sports can be more stressful.

A study in the British Medical Journal (Published 21 December 2002 ) found that heart attacks increased a dramatic 25% when England lost the 1998 World Cup to Argentina in a penalty shoot-out. No excess admissions occurred for other diagnoses or on the days of the other England matches. They concluded that the increase in admissions suggests that myocardial infarction can be triggered by emotional upset, such as watching your football team lose an important match.

More recently, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study by German researchers in January 2008,who found that watching a stressful soccer match (the 2006 FIFA World Cup) more than doubled the risk of cardiac emergencies. The authors found the association so significant that they called for preventive measures to help curb this disturbing trend especially in men with known heart disease.

What is the biggest source of stress in America?

Your answer was Incorrect. Money is the biggest source of stress.

According to a survey by The American Psychological Association – January 2012, money, work and the economy continue to be the most frequently cited causes of stress for Americans, as they have every year for the past 5 years. In addition, a growing number of Americans are citing personal health and their family’s health as a source of stress.

Significant sources of stress include money (75 percent), work (70 percent), the economy (67 percent), relationships (58 percent), family responsibilities (57 percent), family health problems (53 percent), personal health concerns (53 percent), job stability (49 percent), housing costs (49 percent) and personal safety (32 percent).

Over the past 5 years, the overall level of stress is increasing/decreasing?

Your answer was Incorrect. Stress levels have been Increasing.

More adults report that their stress is increasing than decreasing. 39 percent said their stress had increased over the past year and even more said that their stress had increased over the past five years (44 percent). Only 27 percent of adults report that their stress has decreased in the past five years and just 17 percent of adults report that their stress has decreased in the past year.

You always know if you are stressed,

Your answer was Incorrect. The correct response is False.

The fact is that many people don’t even know they are stressed until they begin to experience serious symptoms. Symptoms can be psychological, physical, or both.

Often, we are so used to living with stress, that we simply don’t identify it as stress.

Who is under more stress: Men or Women?

Your answer was Incorrect.

Historically, women report higher levels of stress than men, and this year is no exception (5.4 vs. 4.8, respectively, on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is little or no stress and 10 is a great deal of stress).

Which of the following conditions have been linked to stress as being an important contributing factor?

Your answer was Incorrect. The correct response was All of the above.

In addition, stress has been associated with higher incidence of high blood pressure, asthma, diabetes, Cancer, weakening of the Immune system, and skin problems like eczema and shingles.

What percentage of visits to the doctor are stress related?

Your answer was Incorrect.

There have been numerous studies that indicate between 70% and 90% (depending on where you live) of all doctor’s visits in North America are rooted in stress.

Stress is always a bad thing.

Your answer was Incorrect. The correct response was False.

Stress is an essential part of our everyday lives. It’s what keeps us safe when we cross the street, or are faced with a new situation. It can help you stay focused, alert, and energized.

However, the chemicals that stress triggers your body to produce (cortisol and adrenalin) typically dissipate in under 90 seconds. Re-living the stress, or being in situations where the stress is on-going and cumulative can be extremely harmful to your health, your relationships, and even your quality of life.

The fact is that many people don’t even know they are stressed until they begin to experience serious symptoms. Symptoms can be psychological, physical, or both.

In the United States, what percentage of prescriptions issued are for the treatment of stress?

Your answer was Incorrect.

25% of all the drugs prescribed in the United States go to the treatment of stress.

Which is Canada’s the most stressful city to live in?

Your answer was Incorrect. Quebec City is Canada’s most stressful city..

In a study complied by Statistics Canada taken from the long-form census, the least and the most stressful cities were reported.

Quebec City scored the highest level of stress, with 33% of residents complaining of stress, followed closely by Montreal with 29%

Canada’s least stressed city is St John’s, N.L., with only 16% reporting that they had a lot of stress in their lives.